Thank you Marfa ISD PTO and Marfa Education Foundation for a delicious lunch yesterday! We so appreciate all your support.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Want to know how to work with adults who have mental health issues?
PermiaCare will be hosting Mental Health First Aid trainings in May at no cost.
We would love for the community to join us in learning how to understand an individual who may be developing a mental health challenge or experiencing a mental health crisis, learn how to approach them, and who to connect for appropriate professional help.
Adult Mental Health First Aid- This training is great for adult who help or work with adults, family members or friends.
May 14th from 8:30am-4:30pm (lunch will be provided)
401 E Illinois Midland TX Suite 103
To register, contact Dalia Ramirez at (432) 570-3420 or email at
Order your yearbook! Order forms are included in student progress reports that have been mailed home today. You can also order online at: E-Commerce Sales Link -
Junior high and high school students with excessive absences received notices and reports were mailed home to parents/guardians today. Students must make up this time by May 28 in order to receive class credit. The state requires that all students attend all classes 90 percent of the semester to earn credit.
Saturday School for students needing to make up excessive absences will be held May 8, May 15, and May 22, from 8:00 a.m.-12 noon. Students must report at 8 a.m. to the auditorium. Please bring a bottle of water, chromebook, and assignments. Students must stay the full 4 hours to receive credit. Students can also make up hours after school in the auditorium from 3:45-4:45 p.m. beginning today, May 4 and continuing each school day until May 27. Please call the high school office if you need more information.
The Rio Grande Council of Governments, Texas Department of State Health Services, and Marfa ISD are working to provide Pfizer vaccinations for all students over the age of 16. Please contact the school by Thursday, May 6, 2021 if you are interested in having your child participate in this event.
If you're in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or use the Crisis Text Line by texting "NAMI" to 741741
Environmental Science students have spent the past month researching and studying the Big Bend. They created their own field guide that is used to indentify local flora and fauna. Today, they hiked Big Bend Ranch State Park trails and toured Barton Warnock Center and Fort Leaton
May is Mental Health Awareness Month Interested in training for Mental Health First Aid for Veterans?
PermiaCare will be hosting Mental Health First Aid trainings in May at no cost.
We would love for the community to join us in learning how to understand an individual who may be developing a mental health challenge or experiencing a mental health crisis, learn how to approach them, and who to connect for appropriate professional help.
Veteran Mental Health First Aid- This training is great for adults who help veterans, work with veterans, or friends/family members of veterans.
May 11th from 8:30am-4:30pm (lunch will be provided)
401 E Illinois Midland TX Suite 103
To register, contact Dalia Ramirez at (432) 570-3420 or email at
Today’s One Act Play performance will be at the Marfa Shorthorn Gym at 2 pm instead of Martin Field.
One Act Play UPDATE!
The plays will be performed at 2 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 29 at Martin Field. Free! Masks required. Thanks!!
Join us for the 10th Annual One-Act Plays by Marfa High School playwrights performed by Marfa actors at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 30, Martin Field. Free! Mask required.
Support our yearbook by purchasing an advertisement! Advertise your business or give a shout out to your favorite Marfa ISD student! Contact yearbook sponsor Ms. Powers via email— to order. Quarter page ads are $40, half page ads are $75, and full page ads are $125.
Go Shorthorns!
Need help paying for child care?
Workforce Solutions Borderplex is having an informational session for Presidio, Brewster, and Jeff Davis counties on Thursday at 6 pm CST time.
The main purpose is to have a session where WSB talks about their child care program and answer any questions that the public might have on the program.
You can join in the virtual session by clicking on this link:
Zoom Meeting for Rural Area Thursday, April 29th at 6pm CST
Celebrate with our amazing Ballet Folklorico on May 10 at the Presidio County Courthouse!
Teacher Appreciation Week begins Monday, May 3rd. Our teachers deserve so much appreciation. Please take a moment to thank our teachers!
Just a reminder that 4th grade, 7th grade, English I (on campus learners) students are scheduled to take their STAAR tests on April 27th. English II students (on campus learners) will test on April 29th. Students will check with their classroom teachers for their testing room assignments.
Students must bring your laptop and charger to school by Monday. Please get a good night's sleep and come to school on time so you will be ready to test!
If you have any questions, please call the Counselor, Luane Porter, at 432-729-5500.
STAAR Test......Shorthorns Are Ready!
BAKE SALE! Marfa Junior High and Senior High Cheerleaders will sell burritos and sweet treats from 8 a.m. until sold out on Saturday, April 24 at Porter's Grocery Store. Proceeds will help pay for cheer camp. Go Shorthorns!!
Thank you Convenience West BBQ for your generous donations of bottled water for our students! All water fountains are shut off this year as a safety precaution due to CoVID 19. We have 5 weeks left of school, and are still accepting donations. Water can be left outside the high school, cafeteria, and elementary front doors, or you can contact the school at 432-729-5500 to make a donation for the purchase of water. Thank you for supporting our students and staff!
Hey seniors!
You received an email today if you have not submitted a local scholarship application to the counselor. These scholarship monies can also be used for technical school or 2 year colleges, not just for a four year university.
Be sure to submit your application! You can't receive any money if you don't apply!
Application accepted through noon on this Friday, April 23rd.
All students in 4th grade, 7th grade, English I, and English II need to bring their laptops and chargers to school tomorrow (Friday) so teachers can check them before online testing next week.
STAAR testing is online this year. Please make sure students bring their laptops/Chromebooks and chargers to school tomorrow and everyday the rest of the school year. Thank you.