Marfa ISD students and parents can find an abundance of information regarding colleges, scholarships, financial aid, career exploration, graduation requirements, testing, mental health, and hotline numbers on our school website. Go to and click on Explore. Then click on the link for Counselor's Corner. If you need assistance, please call Mrs. Porter at 432-729-5500.
School counselor, Mrs. Porter, is meeting with each senior to discuss post-secondary goals, financial aid, and scholarship information. Seniors have received a copy of the local scholarship application which is due by March 19th, and will continue to receive additional scholarship applications, either in person or through their student email. Please encourage your child to complete all local scholarship applications. You may contact Mrs. Porter at 432-729-5500 for information and assistance.
No one deserves a Wonder Woman cape more than our district nurse Beverly Dutchover. Counselor Luane Porter and principals Amy White and Allison Scott presented Dutchover with a cape and mask to recognize the many hours she spends caring for all of us during this pandemic in addition to all the band aides, ice packs, medicine and loving care she distributes everyday. Thanks for all you do Nurse Dutchover!
Students. Please remember, you must commit to in-person or remote learning for each six-week grading period. You are not allowed to be in person one or two days and then remote a few days throughout the six-weeks grading period. The only exceptions are if you are quarantined, have a medical or family emergency, or your parent/guardian meets with the principals to request a change. Moving between the two instructional settings throughout the week is not acceptable and will affect your grades and attendance.
Marfa ISD will continue to require all students, staff, and visitors to wear masks on district property and district events. This requirement is consistent with the advice of health professionals and guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MISD will continue to follow the guidelines of its CoVID19 protocol for the safety of all students and staff including practicing physical distancing. Texas Education Agency has issued public health guidance that states a public school's current mask policy may continue unchanged. Local school boards have full authority to determine their local mask policy. More:
Marfa ISD is committed to the health and safety of all students, staff, and our community. We will follow Governor Abbott's latest executive order, which goes into effect on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., and the Texas Education Agency's minimum health standards for public schools. Decisions on how we will move forward will be shared as soon as we receive updated guidance from TEA. A copy of the executive order is attached.
Marfa ISD is proud to announce the following students earned a place on the A Honor Roll, A-B Honor Roll, and/or Perfect attendance for the fourth grading period of the year. Go Horns!
A Honor Roll
3rd Grade: Tallulah Anders, Sienna Barton, Jose Grajeda, Mateo Grajeda, Mariela Rojas, Nathan Stevens, and Giovanni Van- Etten; 4th Grade: Mikayla Bentley, Adelicia Razo Leeper, and Hudson Webb; 5th Grade: Lily Aguero and Gavin Vana; 6th Grade: Jayden Amaro, Noah Barton, Vanessa Diaz, Daniela Fernandez, Joshua Kelly, Belen Soto Torres, and Giselle Torres.
7th Grade: Ava Flores, Clegg Fowlkes, and Amaya Gomez; 9th Grade: Diego Estrada and Annalise Marquez; 10th Grade: Dimetrey Stewart; 11th Grade: Odalys Chacon, Saul Garcia, Hannah Ibarra, Cristian Ontiveros, and Natalie Vandergiessen; 12th Grade: Saul Lozano, Charles Marginot, Catching Marginot, Gabriela Soto Reyes, and Martin Zapata.
A-B Honor Roll
3rd Grade: Lea Alvidrez Magallanes, Alba Amaro, Aiden Daughtery, Ian Harden, Madilyn Lewis, Ivanna Perez, Logan Pippen, Malenny Quezada, Alexia Ramos, and Nathaniel Ramos; 4th Grade: Ulises Estrada, Aidyn Gonzales, Reece Klockman, Eric Morin, and Josiah Rodriguez; 5th Grade: Terrence Resendez and Easton Watts; 6th Grade: Madison Cash, Christopher Garcia, Claudina Gonzalez, Zoey Salgado, Avalon Schroder and Aubrey Tarr.
7th Grade: Raven Martinez and Sara Salgado; 8th Grade: Ashley Certain, Diego Jurado, and Francisco Rosas; 9th Grade: Tristen Kelly and Zaley Porter; 10th Grade: Josie Avila, Juan Bautista; Ummi Chanez, Alexis Gonzalez, Emily Hernandez, Amanda Marquez, Charlize Martinez, Nathan Pena, and Lesly Torres: 11th Grade: Lindsey Blackman, Jacynda Hernandez, Chailyn Melendez, Jenifer Meraz Muro, Laura Navarrete, Brianna Ramos, Evelyn Sanchez Bravo Brianna Sanchez, and Olivia Vandergiessen; 12th Grade: John Aguero, Bryanna Bentley, Christian Davis, Zachary Gomez, and William Watts-Ortiz.
Perfect Attendance
Kindergarten: Alika Flores, Rudy Francis, Sofia Guzman, Elana Marquez, Cristian Ramos, Jacob Simpson, Noah Skelton, Julion Torres and Emma Rosa Van Etten; 1st Grade: Kira Acosta, Alexandra Clifton, McKayla Daugherty, Leium Duenez, Amaya Fuentez, Elena Guillen, Alex Martinez, Ezra Medrano, Nayemi Ortalejo, and Cypress Watts; 2nd Grade: Azul Alvidrez-Contreras, Matthieu Bejaran, Aubrey Cenicero, Lillian Estor, Dania Fernandez, Ahtziri Hernandez, Crixus Kelly, Mia Rosas, and Jonathan Torres; 3rd Grade: Tallulah Anders, Maricarmen Avila, Sienna Barton, Aiden Daugherty, Jose Grajeda Caballero, Mateo Grajeda Caballero, Nathaniel Ramos, Mariela Rojos, Adrian Salgado-Tarr, and Nathan Stevens;
4th Grade: Mikayla Bentley, Ulises Estrada, Juliet Hinojos, Jerika Rodriguez, Josiah Rodriguez, and Hudson Webb; 5th Grade: Lily Aguero, Miguel Gonzales, Austin McGary, Terrence Resendiz, Alberto Salgado Martinez, Gavin Vana, and Easton Watts; 6th Grade: Noah Barton, Madison Cash, Vanessa Diaz, Daniela Fernandez, Christopher Garcia, Joshua Kelly, Mateo Meza, Belen Soto Torres, Aubrey Tarr, Flavio Udave, and Itzel Urrutia Jaimes;
7th Grade: Samuel Estrada, Ava Flores, Amaya Gomez, Messiah Licon, and Raven Martinez; 8th Grade: Diego Jurado; 9th Grade: Diego Estrada; 10th Grade: Juan Bautista, Ummi Chanez, Aundrea Garcia, Alexia Gonzales, Emily Hernandez, Amanda Marquez, Dimetrey Stewart, and Lesly Torres; 11th Grade: Odalys Chacon, Saul Garcia, Cristian Ontiveros, Brianna Sanchez, Fernanda Udave, and Olivia Van Der Giessen; 12th Grade: Bryanna Bentley, Zachery Gomez, Saul Lozano Chavez, Charles Marginot, Catching Marginot, and Gabriela Soto.
SNAP Benefit Replacements Due to Winter Storm
On February 19, 2021, Governor Greg Abbott announced that the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has received federal approval to allow Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients to apply for replacement benefits for food lost or destroyed due to the severe winter weather by dialing 2-1-1.
SNAP recipients who have had food lost or destroyed due to the storm need to apply for replacement food benefits for regular SNAP allotments and SNAP emergency allotments that were provided in response to COVID-19.
SNAP clients are encouraged to stay home and request their replacement food benefits by dialing 2-1-1 and selecting option 2. Alternately, recipients can download Form H1855 (Affidavit for Nonreceipt or Destroyed Food Stamp Benefits) on the HHSC website. To limit exposure to COVID-19, recipients are encouraged to mail or fax the completed form to HHSC instead of visiting their local offices. Completed forms should be mailed to Texas Health and Human Services Commission, PO Box 149027, Austin, TX, 78714-9027, or faxed to 1-877-447-2839. For more information, please visit
In keeping with Marfa ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all students’ families that one Marfa ISD student who has been confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the Marfa Junior/Senior High School campus February 26, 2021. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify the student. All facilities will be thoroughly disinfected according to our safety response protocol. In addition, the local health department will conduct contact tracing investigations and notify those who have potentially been exposed. While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, watch for symptoms of COVID-19. Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection: Fever or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Muscle or body aches Headache New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea If you or any member of the Marfa ISD community do begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your local health provider. We encourage anyone in the Marfa ISD community who is lab-confirmed positive for COVID-19 to please notify the school by calling 432-729-5500. The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff are our highest priority. We will keep you updated with any new information through the school website, social media, and phone messages. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 432-729-5500 or visit our website at
A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Marfa ISD will be held February 28, 2021, beginning at 5:00 PM . The link is and the password is xVwD74. If you have any comments or questions please email
In keeping with Marfa ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all students’ families that one employee of Marfa ISD who has been confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the Marfa Junior/Senior High School campus February 22, 2021. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify the employee. All facilities will be thoroughly disinfected according to our safety response protocol. In addition, the local health department will conduct contact tracing investigations and notify those who have potentially been exposed.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, watch for symptoms of COVID-19. Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the Marfa ISD community do begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your local health provider. We encourage anyone in the Marfa ISD community who is lab-confirmed positive for COVID-19 to please notify the school by calling 432-729-5500. The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff are our highest priority. We will keep you updated with any new information through the school website, social media, and phone messages. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 432-729-5500 or visit our website at
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Marfa ISD will be held February 22, 2021, beginning at 6:00 PM . The link is and the password is mAFe4. If you have any comments or questions please email
The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on this meeting notice.
Call to Order
Pledge to the American and Texas Flag
Certification of Public Notice
Recognition of Visitors - Public Forum
Superintendent Report
TASB Facilities Presentation-James Reese
COVID Update
Severe Weather Update
Reports from Staff: Principals and Directors may make Reports of a General Nature on the Operation of their Area of Responsibility. Items of particular Public Interest will be Posted Individually.
Enrollment /Attendance Update
Athletic Director's Update
STAAR Update
Discussion and Action on Consent Agenda: The items on the consent agenda require routine board action. All items on this portion of the agenda can be adopted with one motion/second and majority of a quorum of trustees. Any trustee can move on items from the consent agenda for a separate discussion and vote.
Approval and/or Correction of the Minutes
Regular Meeting on January 28, 2021
Check Payments
Gifts and Solicitations
Budget Amendments
Financial Report
New Business
Discussion and Approval of Policy Update 116
Legal and Local Policies
Discussion and Possible Action of Identifying Surplus Items
Discussion and Possible Action on Approving a Missed School Days Waiver
Executive Session
Pursuant to Tex Govt Code 551.074, Consider and Discuss Personnel Employment, Assignments, Terminations and Resignations
Pursuant to Tex Govt Code 551.074, Consider and Discuss Evaluation of Superintendent and Superintendent Contract
Consideration of and Possible Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Discussion of Future Items to be Included on Next Agenda
In Accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Board may enter into a closed meeting to deliberate any item that is listed above that fits within an exception listed in Subchapter D. Any final action, decision, or vote on a subject deliberated in closed meeting will be taken in an open meeting held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Marfa ISD will be held February 22, 2021, beginning at 6:00 PM . The link is and the password is mAFe4. If you have any comments or questions please email
Bag lunches will be available for pickup from 12 noon-1 p.m. today, Feb. 19th at Robinson Cafeteria. Breakfast will not be served. We hope everyone stays safe and warm. School will resume on Monday, Feb. 22nd.
Robinson Cafeteria meal update: Bag lunches will be available for pickup from 12 noon-1 p.m. tomorrow, Feb. 19. Breakfast will not be served tomorrow. We hope everyone will stay safe and warm. School will resume on Monday, Feb. 22nd.
Robinson Cafeteria meal update: Bag lunches will be available for pickup from 12 noon-1 p.m. tomorrow, Feb. 19. Breakfast will not be served tomorrow. We hope everyone will stay safe and warm. School will resume on Monday, Feb. 22nd.
Robinson Cafeteria meal update: Bag lunches will be available for pickup from 12 noon-1 p.m. tomorrow, Feb. 19. Breakfast will not be served tomorrow. We hope everyone will stay safe and warm. School will resume on Monday, Feb. 22nd.
Good morning! Breakfast is now being served at Robinson Cafeteria until 10 a.m. Lunch will be available for pick up from 12 noon until 1 p.m. If you need a meal delivered, please call Superintendent Oscar Aguero, 432-559-5726.
The cafeteria is out of food for today. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who helped today. Food will be served again Thursday and Friday.
Although power has been restored in parts of Marfa, the school will remain closed this week because of the uncertainty of sustained electrical service and freezing temperatures. Internet service is also not available, so remote instruction is canceled. Food will continued to be served at Robinson Cafeteria this afternoon, Thursday, and Friday.