Seniors, due to potential rain, the painting of the street will be rescheduled to tomorrow, Sunday August 18 @ 7:00 PM.

Special thanks to Porter’s for their donation! MISD staff is loving the breakfast and gearing up for another day of training!

Dr. San Francisco working with the Marfa Martians prior to the return of their experiment from the ISS.

Marfa High School senior pictures will be Monday, August 19 @ 11:00 AM. Photos will be taken at Marfa Shorthorn Gym.

Any JH/HS students participating in UIL events (athletics, band, robotics, rocketry, UIL, etc) must be in attendance with their parents at the UIL participation meeting on 8/14 or 8/20 @ 5:30 PM in HS auditorium. We will discuss expectations and drug testing policy. Go Horns!

John Sherrill
Marfa ISD is currently seeking applicants for Counselor.If you are interested, send a resume/application to Principals Amy White @ amywhite@marfaisd.com and/or Dr. John Sherrill @ jsherrill@marfaisd.com.For questions, please call 432-729-5500

Just a reminder that if you pre-ordered a Yearbook, you can pick those up from the HS office 8-5, Monday - Friday.

Marfa ISD Athletic Boosters are currently in a membership drive! If you are new to JH or HS Athletics or would just like to contribute, we welcome you! We will meet today at 5:30 PM @ the concession stand.

Gonzales St from Lincoln to Washington will be closed today as the city blacks the street for the senior signing next week. Please avoid this area for the next few days as the tag dries.

Thank you Brandon Maxwell and Kia for supporting the Shorthorns!

Marfa ISD is currently seeking applicants for Physical Education teacher with coaching duties.If you are interested, send a resume/application to Principals Amy White @ amywhite@marfaisd.com and/or Dr. John Sherrill @ jsherrill@marfaisd.com.For questions, please call 432-729-5500

JV gets the win! Varsity is set to take on Van Horn. Go Horns!

The senior class of 2020 will be decorating the street in front of the high school on Saturday, August 17 @ 7:00 pm. Come support the seniors as they leave their mark.

The 2018-19 Yearbooks are in. If you pre-paid, please come pick them up at the high school office from now - 3 pm.

The Marfa Martians' experiment aboard The Dragon has now been captured by the ISS.

SpaceX has had a successful launch. The Marfa Martians now have their experiment heading to the International Space Station.

Right now the launch is scheduled for JULY, 25, 2019 at 5:01 PM CST.

Unfortunately, the launch is a no go due to weather. We will update you when we know more.

The Marfa Martians will have their experiment launched to the International Space Station this evening at 5:24 PM. Here is the link to the event.

Any JH/HS students participating in UIL events (athletics, band, robotics, rocketry, UIL, etc) must be in attendance with their parents at the UIL participation meeting on 8/14 or 8/20 @ 5:30 PM in HS auditorium. We will discuss expectations and drug testing policy. Go Horns!