Remember to join us today, November 11th at 10:00 am as we say Thank You to all of our honored veterans!

Another Shorthorn making her voice count!
Thank you Coach Alferez for teaching our students about this precious American civic duty and facilitating this process with our eligible seniors. Marfa ISD is overflowing with amazing educators!

Join us on Friday, November 11th at 10:00 am as we say Thank You to all of our honored veterans!

Celebrate the Shorthorns who have been working on Big Bend Conservation Alliance's lighting incentive program.
Cash prizes will be distributed to the four teams working on the project and we will celebrate with a star party with Allen Gilchrist from the Big Bend Astronomer's Club that will include a sky tour and telescope views of star clusters, Jupiter, Saturn, and the moon.
Friends, families, and faculty are all welcome for this celebration and night sky tour.

Ms. Powers’ journalism class worked on their election skills by planning and hosting a mock election today at the junior-senior high school. On the ballot were two issues, the governor’s race and the school bond.

Flu shots will be available for all students ages 5-18 on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. 5-11 year Covid shots and adult booster shots for students ages 12 to 18 will also be available on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. If interested or you have questions, please call Beverly Dutchover at 432-729-5500 or at the elementary office
Shots for ages 12 and up will be administered from 10:00 a.m. to noon and ages 5-11 will administered from 1:00 p.m to 3:00 pm.

Time for picture retakes!
Today is only for seniors who want to retake or students in PK-11 who have not taken their school picture yet.

Flu shots will be available for all students ages 5-18 on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. 5-11 year Covid shots and adult booster shots for students ages 12 to 18 will also be available on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. If interested or you have questions, please call Beverly Dutchover at 432-729-5500 or at the elementary office.

Time for picture retakes!
Only for seniors who want to retake or students in PK-11 who have not taken their school picture yet.

Don’t forget to vote because your vote is important. Early voting continues through Friday, November 4, 2022 with Election day being Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Your vote matters.
No olvides votar porque tu voto es importante. La votación anticipada continúa hasta el viernes 4 de noviembre de 2022 y el día de las elecciones es el martes 8 de noviembre de 2022. Su voto es importante.

Marfa High School seniors fulfill their civic duty by voting in the November elections!

Junior students participated in a pumpkin STEM challenge.
The students had to design and build a pumpkin stand that could hold a medium-sized pumpkin. The students had to purchase materials and work with teammates to create the tallest, cheapest, and functional stand they could.
Hands-on lessons make learning more interesting and transfers it to long-term memory.
Mrs. Loya is an integral part of our amazing Shorthorn educators! Thank you for all you do.

All Marfa ISD students and staff will be released at 1:00 pm on Thursday, November 3 due to various extracurricular teams traveling for out of town events. Students will be fed lunch before the release time and the afternoon bus route will leave the schools at 1:00 pm.
School will resume at regular time on Friday, November 4.
For questions, please call the school at 432-729-5500.

Field trip brings the textbook to life...Marfa ISD Earth and Space Science class visited the McDonald Observatory. The students received a behind-the-scenes tour of the telescopes and learned about the research done in our very own backyard.
Thank you Mr. Klockman for being a part of the outstanding Marfa ISD teaching team!

Congratulations to our BI-DISTRICT CHAMPIONS! The Lady Shorthorns defeated Balmorhea in 3 for the championship!
We are so proud of our Lady Horns!
We are…Marfa Shorthorns!
One team, One dream, Excellence everyday!

Color Run fun sponsored by Marfa Police Department during Red Ribbon Week to encourage students to be drug free!

Color Run fun sponsored by Marfa Police Department during Red Ribbon Week to encourage students to be drug free!

Thank you to our local law enforcement (Marfa Police Department, Presidio County Sheriff's Office, Texas Department of Public Safety, US Border Patrol, US Customs and Border Protection, Presidio County Justice of the Peace) for supporting our students and encouraging them to be Drug Free during this time set aside in Red Ribbon Week.

Thank you to our local law enforcement (Marfa Police Department, Presidio County Sheriff's Office, Texas Department of Public Safety, US Border Patrol, US Customs and Border Protection, Presidio County Justice of the Peace) for supporting our students and encouraging them to be Drug Free during this time set aside in Red Ribbon Week.

Thank you to our local law enforcement (Marfa Police Department, Presidio County Sheriff's Office, Texas Department of Public Safety, US Border Patrol, US Customs and Border Protection, Presidio County Justice of the Peace) for supporting our students and encouraging them to be Drug Free during this time set aside in Red Ribbon Week.